Welcome to a concise exploration of Brufen 400mg tablets—a pharmaceutical solution designed to address various health concerns. In this article, we will unravel the uses, potential side effects, and essential information about this medication. Whether you are a current user seeking clarity or someone considering Brufen 400mg, our succinct guide aims to provide you with the crucial insights you need. Let's dive straight into the details that matter most.

Brufen 400mg tablet uses, side effects and price

1. Introduction to Brufen 400mg Tablet

Brufen 400mg tablet is a medication that falls under the category of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Each strip contains 15 tablets, with each tablet containing 400mg of the active ingredient, ibuprofen. This widely prescribed medication is known for its efficacy in managing various conditions, primarily associated with pain and inflammation.

Product Summary: Brufen 400mg tablets are formulated to provide relief from pain, reduce inflammation, and alleviate symptoms associated with conditions such as arthritis, menstrual cramps, and musculoskeletal injuries. The active ingredient, ibuprofen, works by inhibiting the production of certain chemicals in the body that cause inflammation. This makes Brufen 400mg an effective choice for both short-term relief and long-term management of inflammatory conditions.

Uses and Dosage: The primary uses of Brufen 400mg tablet include the treatment of pain and inflammation associated with arthritis, injury, or other musculoskeletal disorders. The dosage is typically prescribed by healthcare professionals based on the specific condition being treated. It is crucial to adhere to the recommended dosage and duration to ensure optimal effectiveness and minimize the risk of side effects.

Safety Information: Before using Brufen 400mg, it is essential to be aware of contraindications, potential side effects, and precautions. Certain individuals, such as pregnant or breastfeeding women, those with specific medical conditions, or those taking other medications, may need special considerations. The article will delve into these aspects, providing clear and concise information to ensure safe usage.

Administration Guidelines: To maximize the benefits of Brufen 400mg, understanding the correct method of administration is vital. The article will outline clear directions for use, including whether the medication should be taken with food, any specific timing considerations, and other relevant guidelines.

In this section, we've laid the foundation for a comprehensive understanding of Brufen 400mg tablet, covering its uses, dosage, safety information, and administration guidelines. As we proceed, we will delve deeper into specific aspects to empower readers with valuable insights.

2. Uses and Dosage of Brufen 400 MG

Indications for Use: Brufen 400mg tablet is widely prescribed for its effectiveness in managing various conditions associated with pain and inflammation. Common indications include the relief of arthritis symptoms, alleviation of menstrual cramps, and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries. Its anti-inflammatory properties make it a versatile choice for addressing discomfort stemming from diverse sources.

Recommended Dosage and Administration: The recommended dosage of Brufen 400mg is determined based on the specific condition being treated. Typically, the initial dosage is administered, followed by adjustments as needed. It is crucial for patients to strictly adhere to the prescribed dosage to achieve optimal therapeutic effects. Deviating from the recommended dosage can increase the risk of side effects and may compromise the medication's efficacy.

Duration of Use: While Brufen 400mg provides effective relief, it is not intended for prolonged, unsupervised use. Healthcare professionals typically prescribe it for a specified duration, and patients should complete the course as directed. Extended use without medical guidance may lead to adverse effects, underscoring the importance of following healthcare provider instructions.

Special Considerations: Certain conditions may require special consideration when using Brufen 400mg. Pregnant and breastfeeding individuals, for example, should consult their healthcare provider before initiating the medication. Additionally, individuals with pre-existing medical conditions or those taking other medications should inform their healthcare provider to ensure compatibility and avoid potential interactions.

Effectiveness and Onset of Action: Brufen 400mg is valued for its rapid onset of action, providing relatively quick relief from pain and inflammation. Understanding the timeframe within which the medication exerts its effects is essential for individuals seeking prompt relief.

Combination Therapy: In some cases, healthcare providers may recommend Brufen 400mg as part of a combination therapy, especially for conditions with multifaceted symptoms. This section will briefly touch upon scenarios where the medication may be prescribed alongside other treatments for comprehensive management.

This section delves into the practical aspects of Brufen 400mg tablet usage, guiding readers on its indications, dosage, and special considerations. As we navigate through the subsequent sections, we will explore safety information, administration guidelines, and additional nuances that contribute to a well-rounded understanding of this medication.

3. Safety Information

Ensuring the safe and effective use of Brufen 400mg involves understanding various facets of its safety profile. This section provides essential information about contraindications, potential side effects, and precautions.

Contraindications of Brufen 400 MG: Certain medical conditions may contraindicate the use of Brufen 400mg. Individuals with a history of allergic reactions to NSAIDs, gastrointestinal bleeding, or a documented sensitivity to ibuprofen should avoid this medication. Additionally, those with pre-existing conditions such as peptic ulcers or severe liver or kidney dysfunction may be advised against its use.

Side Effects and Their Details: Brufen 400mg, like any medication, may cause side effects. Common side effects include gastrointestinal discomfort, indigestion, and nausea. However, more severe side effects such as gastrointestinal bleeding, allergic reactions, or adverse effects on the kidneys are possible, albeit less common. Understanding the spectrum of potential side effects empowers individuals to recognize and report any unusual reactions promptly.

Precautions and Warnings: This subsection will provide specific precautions and warnings associated with Brufen 400mg. Special attention will be given to pregnancy, breastfeeding, driving, and alcohol consumption.

  • Pregnancy: Brufen 400mg may pose risks during pregnancy, especially during the third trimester. Pregnant individuals should consult their healthcare provider to assess the benefits and risks before using this medication.
  • Breastfeeding: While ibuprofen is excreted into breast milk, the amount is generally low. However, nursing individuals should exercise caution and seek guidance from their healthcare provider before using Brufen 400mg.
  • Driving: Brufen 400mg may cause dizziness or drowsiness in some individuals. This section will emphasize the importance of assessing individual reactions to the medication before operating machinery or driving.
  • Alcohol: Consumption of alcohol during Brufen 400mg therapy may increase the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding. This section will advise moderation or abstinence from alcohol during the course of treatment.

Other General Warnings: Beyond specific precautions, there are general warnings users should be aware of. These may include the importance of taking the medication with food to minimize gastrointestinal discomfort and the recommendation to stay hydrated to support kidney function.

Understanding the safety information associated with Brufen 400mg is crucial for informed and responsible use. By being aware of contraindications, potential side effects, and necessary precautions, individuals can use this medication with confidence, optimizing its benefits while minimizing risks.

PRICE Rs. 27.25

4. Administration Guidelines

Ensuring the optimal effectiveness of Brufen 400mg tablets involves adhering to specific administration guidelines. This section provides clear directions on how to use the medication, covering aspects such as timing, dosage adjustments, and whether it should be taken with food.

Directions for Use of Brufen 400 MG: The effectiveness of Brufen 400mg is closely tied to proper administration. Patients are advised to take the medication exactly as prescribed by their healthcare provider. The article will emphasize the importance of not exceeding the recommended dosage and the necessity of consulting a healthcare professional for any adjustments.

Timing and Frequency: Brufen 400mg tablets are typically administered at regular intervals. This section will provide guidance on the frequency of dosage, whether it is taken once or multiple times daily. Additionally, it will address the importance of maintaining a consistent schedule for optimal results.

With or Without Food: The article will clarify whether Brufen 400mg should be taken with food or on an empty stomach. This information is crucial to minimize potential gastrointestinal side effects and enhance the overall tolerability of the medication.

Missed Dose: In the event of a missed dose, users need clear instructions on how to proceed. This section will provide guidance on whether the missed dose should be skipped or taken as soon as remembered, without doubling up on doses.

Overdose: While emphasizing the importance of adhering to the prescribed dosage, this section will also touch upon the risks associated with overdose. It will provide information on potential symptoms of overdose and the necessary steps to take in such a situation, including seeking immediate medical attention.

Combination with Other Medications: Patients often take multiple medications simultaneously. This section will address the compatibility of Brufen 400mg with other commonly prescribed drugs, highlighting the importance of informing healthcare providers about all medications being used.

Understanding and following these administration guidelines will contribute to the safe and effective use of Brufen 400mg. By providing clear, concise instructions on dosage, timing, and potential interactions, individuals can maximize the benefits of the medication while minimizing the risk of adverse effects.

5. Storage and Disposal

Proper storage and disposal of Brufen 400mg tablets are crucial aspects of maintaining the medication's efficacy and preventing potential harm. This section provides guidelines on how to store the medication safely and the appropriate methods for disposal.

Storage Instructions: Storing Brufen 400mg tablets in the right conditions preserves their effectiveness and ensures their safety for use. This section will outline key storage instructions, such as keeping the medication in its original packaging to protect it from light, moisture, and temperature extremes. Users will be advised to store the tablets at room temperature and away from children and pets.

Container Integrity: Maintaining the integrity of the medication container is essential for preserving the quality of Brufen 400mg tablets. Users should be informed about the significance of keeping the container tightly closed when not in use to prevent moisture or air from affecting the tablets.

Safe Disposal Practices: Expired or unused medications should be disposed of properly to avoid environmental contamination and potential harm. This section will provide guidance on safe disposal practices, such as returning unused medications to a pharmacy or following local regulations for medication disposal. It will discourage flushing medications down the toilet or throwing them in the trash to minimize environmental impact.

Guidance on Expiry: Users need to be aware of the expiration date of Brufen 400mg tablets. This section will stress the importance of not using the medication beyond its expiry date, as doing so may compromise its safety and effectiveness.

Childproofing: Given the potential risks associated with accidental ingestion, particularly by children, childproofing measures will be highlighted. Storing medications out of reach and sight of children is a fundamental precaution to prevent unintended ingestion.

Environmental Considerations: An eco-conscious approach to medication disposal will be encouraged. Users will be informed about the environmental impact of improper disposal and the benefits of following responsible disposal practices.

By following these storage and disposal guidelines, users can ensure the longevity and safety of Brufen 400mg tablets. Proper storage practices preserve the medication's efficacy, while responsible disposal contributes to environmental sustainability and minimizes the risk of accidental ingestion or misuse.

6. Handling Special Situations

In certain situations, users may encounter specific scenarios that require distinct approaches in the context of Brufen 400mg tablet usage. This section provides guidance on handling special situations, including overdose and missed doses.

Overdose: While adhering to the prescribed dosage is crucial, accidental overdose can occur. Users will be informed about the symptoms of overdose, such as severe stomach pain, confusion, or difficulty breathing. In case of suspected overdose, immediate medical attention is imperative. This section will emphasize the importance of not attempting to manage an overdose situation without professional assistance.

Missed Dose: Occasional lapses in adherence to the medication schedule may occur. This section will guide users on the appropriate course of action in the event of a missed dose. Depending on the timing of the missed dose and the proximity to the next scheduled dose, users may be advised to take the missed dose as soon as remembered or to skip it and resume the regular schedule.

Seeking Medical Assistance: Users will be encouraged to seek prompt medical advice for any uncertainties or adverse reactions. This includes situations where the user may be unsure about the appropriate course of action after a missed dose or suspects an overdose. Timely communication with healthcare professionals ensures that any potential issues are addressed efficiently.

Communication with Healthcare Provider: Establishing open communication with healthcare providers is essential. Users will be reminded of the importance of informing their healthcare provider about any changes in their health status, concurrent use of other medications, or the occurrence of side effects. This enables healthcare professionals to provide personalized guidance and adjustments to the treatment plan if necessary.

Educational Resources: This section may include references to additional educational resources, such as emergency hotlines, poison control centers, or online platforms where users can access reliable information. Empowering users with resources to seek assistance contributes to a proactive and informed approach to healthcare.

Preventive Measures: To minimize the likelihood of encountering special situations, users will be provided with preventive measures. This may include reminders to adhere to the prescribed dosage, store medications securely to prevent accidental ingestion, and maintain regular communication with healthcare providers.

Navigating special situations effectively requires a combination of awareness, prompt action, and collaboration with healthcare professionals. By addressing the nuances of overdose and missed doses, users can approach these scenarios with confidence and a proactive mindset.

7. Mechanism of Action

Understanding the mechanism of action of Brufen 400mg is crucial for users to comprehend how the medication exerts its therapeutic effects. This section provides insights into the pharmacological workings of Brufen 400mg, elucidating its impact on the body.

How Does It Work? Brufen 400mg contains the active ingredient ibuprofen, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). The mechanism of action involves the inhibition of enzymes known as cyclooxygenases (COX-1 and COX-2). These enzymes play a pivotal role in the synthesis of prostaglandins, which are substances involved in inflammation, pain, and fever.

Inhibition of Prostaglandin Synthesis: By inhibiting COX enzymes, Brufen 400mg curtails the production of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are lipid compounds that function as signaling molecules in various physiological processes. In the context of inflammation and pain, prostaglandins sensitize pain receptors, leading to heightened pain perception and increased blood flow to the affected area. By reducing prostaglandin levels, Brufen 400mg mitigates these inflammatory responses.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects: The primary therapeutic effect of Brufen 400mg is its anti-inflammatory action. Inflammation is a complex biological response to injury or infection, involving immune cells, blood vessels, and molecular mediators. By modulating the inflammatory cascade through COX inhibition, Brufen 400mg alleviates swelling, redness, and discomfort associated with inflammatory conditions.

Analgesic (Pain-Relieving) Effects: The analgesic properties of Brufen 400mg contribute to its effectiveness in relieving pain. By reducing the production of prostaglandins, the medication diminishes the sensitization of pain receptors, resulting in a reduction in pain perception. This makes Brufen 400mg valuable for managing a spectrum of painful conditions, from mild to moderate in intensity.

Antipyretic Effects: In addition to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, Brufen 400mg exhibits antipyretic properties. Fever is often associated with increased prostaglandin levels. By inhibiting COX enzymes and prostaglandin synthesis, Brufen 400mg helps lower fever in individuals with pyrexia.

Duration of Action: The onset of action of Brufen 400mg is relatively rapid, providing quick relief from pain and inflammation. Users will be informed about the typical duration of action and the importance of adhering to the prescribed dosing schedule for sustained therapeutic effects.

Understanding how Brufen 400mg works at the molecular level provides users with a comprehensive grasp of its therapeutic actions. This knowledge not only enhances user confidence in the medication but also fosters informed decision-making regarding its use for specific health conditions.

8. Interactions

Interactions between medications can significantly impact their efficacy and safety. In this section, we delve into how Brufen 400mg may interact with other drugs, emphasizing the importance of informing healthcare providers about all medications being used.

Interactions with Other Medicines: Brufen 400mg, as an NSAID, has the potential to interact with various medications. It is crucial for users to inform their healthcare provider about all prescription and over-the-counter medications, as well as herbal supplements and vitamins, they are currently taking. This proactive communication allows healthcare professionals to assess potential interactions and make informed decisions about the treatment plan.

Understanding Drug Interactions: Interactions can manifest in various ways, including alterations in the effectiveness of one or more medications, increased risk of side effects, or changes in the rate at which medications are metabolized by the body. Users will be educated on the importance of recognizing and addressing potential drug interactions to ensure the safety and efficacy of their treatment.

Common Drug Interactions: This section will highlight common drug classes that may interact with Brufen 400mg. Examples may include:

  • Anticoagulants (Blood Thinners): Increased risk of bleeding may occur when NSAIDs like Brufen 400mg are used concomitantly with anticoagulant medications.
  • Antiplatelet Drugs: Combining Brufen 400mg with antiplatelet medications may enhance the risk of bleeding.
  • Corticosteroids: Concurrent use of corticosteroids and Brufen 400mg may increase the likelihood of gastrointestinal side effects.
  • Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs): Potential interactions leading to an increased risk of gastrointestinal bleeding may occur when SSRIs are used alongside NSAIDs.
  • Diuretics: NSAIDs, including Brufen 400mg, may reduce the efficacy of diuretics and lead to increased blood pressure.

Individualized Assessment: Interactions can vary from person to person based on factors such as individual health conditions and the specific medications involved. Users will be encouraged to consult their healthcare provider for a personalized assessment of potential interactions.

Monitoring and Adjustments: In cases where potential interactions are identified, healthcare providers may monitor users more closely or make adjustments to the treatment plan. This section will underscore the importance of regular check-ups and communication with healthcare professionals to address any emerging concerns.

9. Alternative Information

In this section, we explore alternative information related to Brufen 400mg tablets, including comparisons with other similar medications and addressing common queries users may have about alternatives.

Comparisons with Similar Medications: While Brufen 400mg is a widely used NSAID, users may wonder about alternative medications with similar indications. This section will briefly compare Brufen 400mg with other NSAIDs or pain relievers, highlighting differences in formulation, dosage, and potential side effects. It aims to provide users with a broader perspective on available options.

Considerations for Switching Medications: Users contemplating a switch to an alternative medication will find guidance on factors to consider before making such a decision. This may include discussions with healthcare providers, potential differences in effectiveness, and considerations for any ongoing treatment plans.

Commonly Asked Questions: Addressing common user queries about alternatives, this section will provide concise answers to questions such as:

  • Is Brufen 400mg the only option for my condition?
  • Are there medications with fewer side effects?
  • Can I switch to another NSAID if I experience discomfort with Brufen 400mg?

Individual Responses to Medications: Highlighting the variability in individual responses to medications, this section emphasizes the importance of personalized medicine. What works well for one person may not be the best fit for another, and users will be encouraged to engage in open discussions with their healthcare providers to Discover the best choice that perfectly meets their individual requirements.

Consulting Healthcare Providers: Users will be reminded of the pivotal role healthcare providers play in guiding decisions about medication choices. Before considering any alternatives, consulting with a healthcare professional is crucial to ensure the appropriateness of the switch and to address any potential risks or interactions.

due to side effects, seeking alternatives with specific features, or simply curious about choices available to them, this section provides a balanced view to support their decision-making process.

10. Conclusion

In concluding our exploration of Brufen 400mg tablets—unveiling their uses, safety considerations, mechanism of action, and alternative information—we consolidate key insights to empower users with a comprehensive understanding. This conclusion serves as a summary, reinforcing crucial points and encouraging users to approach their medication use with confidence and responsibility.

Recap of Key Insights:

  • Uses and Dosage: Brufen 400mg tablets are effective in managing pain, inflammation, and associated conditions. Following the recommended dosage is crucial for achieving the best outcomes.
  • Safety Information: Users must be vigilant about contraindications, potential side effects, and specific precautions, especially in scenarios like pregnancy, breastfeeding, driving, and alcohol consumption.
  • Administration Guidelines: Clear directions for use, timing, and whether to take the medication with or without food ensure proper administration and enhance the medication's efficacy.
  • Mechanism of Action: Understanding how Brufen 400mg works at the molecular level provides a foundation for appreciating its therapeutic effects.
  • Interactions: Awareness of potential interactions with other medications underscores the importance of open communication with healthcare providers.
  • Alternative Information: Users are equipped with knowledge about alternative medications, considerations for switching, and common queries related to alternatives.

Empowering Informed Decision-Making: The information presented throughout this article aims to empower users with the knowledge necessary for informed decision-making. By understanding the nuances of Brufen 400mg, users can navigate their healthcare journey with confidence, actively participating in discussions with healthcare providers and making choices aligned with their individual needs and circumstances.

Ongoing Communication with Healthcare Providers: The conclusion emphasizes the ongoing nature of the relationship between users and their healthcare providers. Regular check-ins, transparent communication about changes in health status, and discussions about any concerns or questions ensure a collaborative and tailored approach to healthcare.

Responsibility in Medication Use: In closing, users are reminded of the responsibility that comes with medication use. Adhering to prescribed guidelines, promptly seeking medical advice in case of uncertainties or adverse reactions, and actively participating in one's healthcare journey collectively contribute to a safe and effective medication experience.

By encapsulating these key points, the conclusion of this article serves as a valuable reference for users embarking on or continuing their use of Brufen 400mg tablets. It encapsulates the essence of the information provided, fostering a proactive and informed approach to healthcare decisions.


The content offered on this blog is intended solely for general informational purposes. Professional medical advice cannot be substituted by it. It is essential to seek guidance from a healthcare professional for personalized advice regarding medication usage and potential side effects. We do not take responsibility for any actions taken based on the information provided on this blog.

Kindly be aware that the information presented here is gathered from diverse sources and domains, and we are not medical professionals. This blog aims to offer general knowledge and insights. For specific medical concerns, please consult with a qualified healthcare provider.