Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Understanding Ascard 75mg Tablet
2.1 Composition
2.2 Mechanism of Action
3. Medical Uses
3.1 Prevention of Cardiovascular Events
3.2 Antiplatelet Properties
4. Dosage and Administration
5. Possible Side Effects
5.1 Common Side Effects
5.2 Serious Side Effects
6. Precautions and Warnings
6.1 Allergic Reactions
6.2 Bleeding Risk
7. Interactions with Other Medications
8. Price and Availability
9. Conclusion
Ascard 75mg Tablet: Unveiling Uses, Side Effects, and Price

1. Introduction

Ascard 75mg Tablet is a medication that holds paramount importance in preventing cardiovascular events. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the uses, potential side effects, and the pricing of Ascard 75mg Tablet.

2. Understanding Ascard 75mg Tablet

2.1 Composition

Ascard 75mg Tablet primarily consists of Aspirin, a widely recognized antiplatelet agent. Aspirin works by inhibiting the production of certain chemicals in the body that cause platelets to clump together.

2.2 Mechanism of Action

The mechanism of action involves the interference with the clotting process in the blood. Aspirin, by inhibiting platelet aggregation, reduces the risk of blood clots that could lead to heart attacks or strokes.

3. Medical Uses

3.1 Prevention of Cardiovascular Events

Ascard 75mg Tablet is commonly prescribed for the prevention of cardiovascular events. It is often recommended for individuals with a history of heart attacks or strokes, as well as those at risk due to factors like hypertension or diabetes.

3.2 Antiplatelet Properties

The antiplatelet properties of Aspirin make it effective in reducing the risk of blood clot formation. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with conditions such as coronary artery disease.

4. Dosage and Administration

The dosage of Ascard 75mg Tablet may vary based on the individual's medical condition and the prescribing physician's recommendations. Usually, it can be consumed either on an empty stomach or after eating. Adherence to the prescribed dosage is crucial for the medication's efficacy.

5. Possible Side Effects

5.1 Common Side Effects

While Ascard 75mg Tablet is generally well-tolerated, some common side effects may include gastrointestinal discomfort, such as heartburn or nausea. Typically, these symptoms are not severe and they are temporary.

5.2 Serious Side Effects

In rare cases, serious side effects may occur, including bleeding disorders, allergic reactions, or gastrointestinal bleeding. It is imperative to seek immediate medical attention if any severe side effects manifest.

6. Precautions and Warnings

6.1 Allergic Reactions

Individuals with a known allergy to aspirin or similar medications should exercise caution. Allergic reactions can range from mild skin rashes to severe respiratory distress and require prompt medical intervention.

6.2 Bleeding Risk

Aspirin, by virtue of its antiplatelet action, may increase the risk of bleeding. This is particularly relevant for individuals with bleeding disorders or those taking anticoagulant medications concurrently.

7. Interactions with Other Medications

Before initiating Ascard 75mg Tablet, it is crucial to inform the healthcare provider about all other medications being taken. Certain drugs, such as anticoagulants or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), may interact adversely with Aspirin.

8. Price and Availability

The pricing of Ascard 75mg Tablet can vary based on factors such as the manufacturer, location, and the quantity purchased. It is advisable to consult local pharmacies or online platforms for accurate pricing information.

9. Conclusion

Ascard 75mg Tablet, with its active component Aspirin, plays a pivotal role in preventing cardiovascular events. While its benefits are substantial, understanding its proper usage, potential side effects, and precautions is essential for optimal therapeutic outcomes. Individuals considering or prescribed Ascard 75mg Tablet should engage in a comprehensive discussion with their healthcare providers to ensure informed and safe usage.


The content offered on this blog is intended solely for general informational purposes. Professional medical advice cannot be substituted by it. It is essential to seek guidance from a healthcare professional for personalized advice regarding medication usage and potential side effects. We do not take responsibility for any actions taken based on the information provided on this blog.

Kindly be aware that the information presented here is gathered from diverse sources and domains, and we are not medical professionals. This blog aims to offer general knowledge and insights. For specific medical concerns, please consult with a qualified healthcare provider.